
  • In accordance with the Parents’ Right to Know Act (Act 2024-35), Tarrant City Schools ensures that the current adopted curricula for each class are available on the school website. Students, parents, and guardians of enrolled students can access online curricula directly through the school’s website.

    Tarrant City Schools is committed to aligning all academic and curricular decisions with the Alabama State Department of Education’s Courses of Study, the Alabama Comprehensive Assessment Program (ACAP), and the American College Test (ACT). We strive to provide transparency and support to help every student succeed. The Alabama Courses of Study are available via the Alabama State Department of Education website. 

Curriculum and Resources

Individual Classroom Curriculum

  • In addition to the above list, individual schools and educators have the discretion to incorporate additional resources to support mastery of specific educational standards.

    Many of the district’s curriculum and supplemental resources are also accessible through your student’s Tarrant City Schools device using their login credentials. For more information about the supplemental resources available in your student’s classroom, please contact their classroom teacher or school principal.

Physical Inspection and Complaint Process

  • If you are a parent or guardian of a student enrolled in Tarrant City Schools and would like to physically inspect an instructional tool used in your child’s classroom, you can make a request directly to your school’s principal.

    To file a complaint against your child’s teacher under the Parents’ Right to Know Act, please complete the district’s complaint form by clicking the link below. All submissions will be sent to the Office of the Superintendent.

    Curriculum Review Complaint Form