Federal Programs
  • The Federal Programs Department oversees the administration of various federally and state-funded initiatives. In most cases, funding is provided to the Local Educational Agency (LEA) to enhance and supplement existing activities and programs within Tarrant City Schools. This support ensures that the district can better meet the needs of its students and communities.

Programs Managed

  • Title I, Part A
    Supports the improvement of basic educational programs run by state and local agencies. See the section on Title I Schools for more information.

    Title I, Part D
    Provides prevention and intervention programs for children and youth who are neglected, delinquent, or at-risk.

    Title II, Part A
    Focuses on preparing, training, and recruiting high-quality teachers, principals, and other school leaders.

    Title III
    Offers language instruction for English learners and immigrant students. For more details, see the ESOL section below.

    Competitive Grants
    Programs that require an annual application for funding.

    Title IV, Part A
    Supports student programs focused on academic enrichment and student support.

    Title VI
    Provides education programs for Indian, Native Hawaiian, and Alaska Native students.

    Title IX, Part A
    Addresses education for homeless students and includes provisions related to other laws.

    Title IX, Part A
    Also supports children in foster care.

    For more information about the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) of 2015, including a full description of all Title programs and special grants, please visit the relevant section.

Main Contacts

  • Dr. Lora Perry 

    Federal Programs Coordinator
