Assessment & Accountability


     Kristi CockeLogo

    Director of Curriculum & Instruction

    "The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you."

        -BB King

    Welcome to the Curriculum and Instruction home page. 

    The Department of Curriculum and Instruction supports student learning through the development of district curriculum, the administration of state and district assessments, and the promotion of teacher learning and professional growth. The department works collaboratively with principals, assistant principals, instructional coaches, teachers, and others to identify best practices for content areas and provide instructional opportunities for growth for our students. Our goal is to support our students with high-quality instructional curriculum and resources to assist in their academic journey. 

    The department is committed to:

    • Working with school personnel to narrow the achievement gap and improve the graduation rate
    • Working with school personnel to increase academic achievement
    • Analyzing data to effectively impact daily classroom instruction 
  • Alabama Literacy Act

    Alabama Literacy Act

    • In 2019, the Alabama Literacy Act was signed into law. Any student in Kindergarten through 3rd grade with an identified reading deficiency would be required to have a Student Reading Improvement Plan (SRIP). A reading deficiency is determined by a consistent deficiency in any of the following areas: letter naming fluency, letter sound fluency, nonsense word fluency, sight words, oral reading accuracy and fluency, vocabulary or comprehension.

      Other requirements of the law include:
      ‣ Assessment of early literacy skills three times during the school year
      ‣ Parental notification within 15 days of identification of a reading deficiency
      ‣ Individualized supplemental reading intervention
      ‣ Strategies and resources for parents to use at home
      ‣ Summer reading camp

      Once a deficiency is identified, teachers are required to notify parents. A diagnostic assessment is given to the child, and based on specific needs, teachers will provide intensive reading instruction and interventions for that child. The specific instruction and targeted  interventions will be documented in a Student Reading Improvement Plan (SRIP).


      Alabama Literacy Act 2019-523

      Alabama Family Guide for Student Success

      Alabama Literacy Act Frequently Asked Questions (English)

      Alabama Literacy Act Frequently Asked Questions (Spanish)

      Numeracy Act