Grading Policy

  • Grades Represent Progress & Growth...

    Tarrant High School's Grading Policy is as follows:

    At the end of each quarter, final examinations will be given in all subjects. Exams are weighted 20% of the quarter grade unless other calculations are approved by the administration and clearly stated in course syllabus.

    Two categories will determine those listed on the honor roll:

    • All A Honor Roll – All grades must be an 90% average or above
    • A/B Honor Roll – All grades must be a 80% average or above with at least one grade being an A

    An incomplete in any course will make a student ineligible for any honor roll. 
    All students are eligible for the honor roll in every nine-(9) week grading period.

    Students will be graded at Tarrant High School on a percentage basis.   Percentages will be converted to letter grades and the 4.0 scale as follows:

Grading System
  • *Report cards will be distributed to students on the Thursday following the end of the quarter.
    PowerSchool HOME
    All parents of Tarrant City School students have access to their student’s progress via the PowerSchool Home.  With this internet-based system, parents can check on their student’s academic progress on a weekly basis. Parents needing login information, please call the main office.