Phone: 205-849-0168


Degrees and Certifications:

Master of Arts in Elementary Education, University of Alabama

Ms. Stephanie Staples

Associate of Science Elementary Education - Gadsden State Community College 
Bachelor of Science Elementary Education - Jacksonville State University 
Master of Arts Elementary Education - University of Alabama 

I am currently working towards my Ed. S. from UAB in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. I have also received AMSTI training in 5th grade math and science, Number Talks, and Greater Birmingham Math Partnership (GBMP) training through UAB in Patterns I, Numerical Reasoning, and Reasoning About Data. I completed 3 summers of training at the Alabama Educational Technology Conference, and 2 summers of training at the Mountain Brook Learning Conference. I love learning, and hope my thirst for knowledge is contagious! 

Prior to coming to Tarrant City Schools in 2006, I taught Pre-K at a private child development center for almost 14 years. I taught 5th grade at Tarrant City Schools for eight years, and two years of 6th grade English Language Arts. This is my tenth year in the position of Technology teacher - though one of those years I was teaching 6th grade due to a teacher shortage. Over the course of my career at Tarrant, I have also worked in the position of In School Suspension, Special Education intervention, ESL camp teacher, building technology and building testing coordinator. I also teach at the EL Summer Camp.