Tarrant Intermediate School provides a challenging curriculum for all students. Our standard curriculum for grades 3-6 include:
ELA: Open Court/Study Sync
Phonics: Phonics First
Math: Envisions and AMSTI
Science: AMSTI
Social Studies: Studies Weekly
Tarrant Intermediate assesses students routinely through formal, progress monitoring, benchmark, and summative assessments. Data from these assessments are used to identify and address student needs. In addition to classroom assignments and assessments, students will complete the following assessments throughout the year to assess their progress:
iReady - Reading and math
mCLASS - Foundational reading skills
ACAP - State standardized assessment for reading, math, and science
ACCESS - English language proficiency assessment for multilingual learners
Grading Policy
Tarrant Intermediate School students receive a Standard Based Report Card. Standard Based Report Cards are based on the College and Career Ready Standards. Students are evaluated on mastery or non-mastery of individual standards. Non-mastered standards are re-taught until students master the standards at their highest demonstrated ability at the end of the 9 weeks/year.
Grades 3-6
E = Excellence (above grade level) = 94-100% mastery
S = Satisfactory (on grade level)= 80-93% mastery
P = Progressing (partial mastery)= 70-79% mastery
N = Needs improvement (non-mastery)= 69 and below% masterySpecial Education Grading Standards - Students who are receiving special education services may be graded according to an individual educational plan.Teachers are encouraged to extend appropriate academic modifications or accommodations to students who may be eligible for such under provisions of state and federal law.
Student Celebrations
At TIS, we believe in celebrating our scholar's achievements. Each month, in addition to end of the year award ceremonies, TIS holds a data assembly to acknowledge student growth and achievement. Students receive awards for academic progress and perfect monthly attendance.