The TIS Math Team is open to students at TIS in grades 4th through 6th. This is the 7th year Math Team is available to students at TIS.
During Math Team practices, we discuss problem-solving strategies; work on logic, and mental math and find new and different ways to solve problems. We also focus on fact fluency. Students on the math team will also participate in math competitions at the state and national level. In the past, the TIS Math Team has competed in the Perennial Math Contests and the Noetic Math Contest. We have done well and have received several individual and team awards. Both of these competitions are done online throughout the school year.
In addition to competing, Math Team allows students to strengthen their math skills and make them feel part of a team.
Getting on the team:
Requirements for the TIS Math Team:
∙ Maintain an average of S (80%) or higher in all classes with satisfactory conduct
∙ Maintain an 85 or higher in math class (E or S)
∙ Attend weekly meetings
∙ Be willing to work hard to learn new things
∙ Be in good standing with behavior, i.e., no in-school or out-of-school suspensions
∙ Attend and participate in all onsite and online competitions
Students who want to be on the Math Team should get a candidate packet from Mrs. Smith in August/September when the new season starts.
The candidate packet includes a Candidate Agreement, a Parent Agreement, and a Teacher Recommendation form. All three forms must be completed by the correct person and turned in to Mrs. Smith by the due date. Students who do not turn in these forms will not be allowed to try out for the TIS Math Team.
Tryout- Students will take a test that outlines math vocabulary, basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts, problem solving skills and word problems. The top scores from each grade level will be picked to be on the team. There is no limit to how many students from each grade will be on each grade level team.
The TIS Math Team is not currently taking any new members. Mrs. Smith will open the team for new members in August/September.
Practice Days:
All grades will practice on Wednesday.
Practices will be held from 3:30-4:30 in Mrs. Smith’s classroom