- Tarrant High School
- College & Career Readiness
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College & Career Readiness
Preparing for Life After THS...
THS staff not only educate students to be successful in high school, but also prepare them for the challenging curriculum and opportunities in college if the student chooses.
According to state requirements, college readiness is determined based upon the following criteria:
- a benchmark score on any section of the ACT test,
- a qualifying score on an AP or IB exam,
- approved college or postsecondary credit while in high school,
- a benchmark level on the ACT WorkKeys,
- an approved industry credential, or
- documented acceptance for enlistment into the military.
Over the past three years, THS staff have worked tirelessly to increase our percentage of college and career readiness.
**The ACT College Readiness Benchmarks represent the national college readiness that a student should meet or exceed to be considered on track.
Please visit the Tarrant High School Counseling & Guidance Department's page for additional graduation and college information.